Beyond Excellence.

Empowering Startups, Accelerating Businesses

We are a peer to peer network of like-minded individuals, start-ups, ambitious entrepreneurs and SME owners looking to scale their businesses. The pillars of our community are support, learning, growth and excellence.

Do You...

If any of this sounds like you, Beyond Excellence is for you.

“The only thing that will change your life, change your business, change your relationship, is that you must raise your standards… Surround yourself with people who lift you up, lend you knowledge and help you learn from your mistakes. Raise your standards for your inner circle.” – Tony Robbins

woman in business suit pointing at the text


We are here to support one another through peer to peer networking, best practice sharing and hot seating.


We learn from one another, continually striving to improve in knowledge and through self-reflection.


We are ambitious and are looking to grow and accelerate our businesses, from start-up to enteprise scale.


We believe in going beyond excellence in developing a customer-centric and competitive approach.

Welcome to Beyond Excellence

Through a curated programme of mentorship, resources and strategic guidance, we empower startups to surpass conventional boundaries and achieve their full potential. This can be from early stage ideas through to company creation, implementation, growth and scale.

Our comprehensive approach fosters innovation, cultivates leadership skills and facilitates valuable connections within the entrepreneurial ecosystem. By accelerating business development and fostering a culture of excellence, we pave the way for startups to thrive in today’s competitive landscape.

How do we achieve this? Four simple steps…


Discovery and Ideation

Startups begin by identifying innovative ideas and opportunities within their chosen market. Through research, brainstorming, and validation, they refine their concepts to ensure viability and relevance.


Strategic Planning and Development

With a clear vision in place, startups strategically plan their path forward. This involves defining goals, outlining a business model, and developing a roadmap for execution. They focus on building a strong foundation to support future growth.


Execution and Iteration

Startups embark on the journey of execution, bringing their plans to life. They adapt to market feedback, iterate on their products or services, and continually refine their strategies. This phase involves agility and resilience as they navigate challenges and seize opportunities.


Excellence and Growth

Through dedication, perseverance, and a commitment to excellence, startups achieve success and growth. They establish themselves as leaders in their industry, build strong relationships with customers and stakeholders, and continue to innovate and evolve. This phase marks the transition from startup to a thriving, excellence-driven business.

Join Today...


Join today and unlock the doors to Beyond Excellence, where you gain exclusive access to a powerhouse of resources designed to elevate your business to new heights.

Our platform offers a unique blend of business coaching, mentoring, and peer support, providing you with the tools and insights needed to thrive in today’s competitive landscape. 

By becoming a member, you’ll participate in regular sessions featuring one member per profession, ensuring a diverse and enriching learning environment.

Our Core Services

Business in a Box

Everything you need in one place to get your business of the ground, from your company registration to website.

Unlock Growth

Unlock UK

Growth planning and support for early stage businesses with community support and mentorship.

Six Months to Market

Six Months to Market

Complete business planning, marketing strategy and mentoring from experienced and successful entrepreneurs.

Beyond Excellence Peers

From launch to growth and scale, join our one member per profession accelerator group and see your business fly.

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Contact Us

Address: Unit 7, Gemini Business Park, Leeds. LS7 3JB

Telephone: +44 (0)7887 537739
